Friday 1 March 2013

Types of emotions

Researchers on emotions mostly agree on the existence of two types of human emotions:
Primary emotions
Secondary emotions. 

 A primary human emotion types are the one triggered in response to an event, for example: Anger. 

Secondary human emotions types are the group of emotions that follow that types of emotions. If we experience fear , the secondary emotions would be : feel threatened or feel anger , depending on the situation we are experiencing.
William James for example considers primary human emotions types as love, fear, grief and rage. On the other hand Robert Plutchik considers types of human emotions as fear, anger, disgust, sadness, surprise, acceptance and joy in this category.
Emotions are the most important aspect of our mental health. The following articles on emotions are contributions from experts and people who have knowledge and different views for managing emotions and feelings. If you would like your articles published on this site. Please check our Private policy . Then send an email with the subject: "article submission".


The 9 Basic Human Emotions

The 9 basic human emotions can be classified as primary, secondary and tertiary. The primary emotions are love, joy, surprise, fear, sadness, anger, disgust, shame, pride.


This emotion manifest when a person feels love romantically for someone special; there is another level of love for family, and some degree for religion. Certain nuances of love involve friendship, bonding, philanthropy and altruism. It can also be platonic . It involves doing something for someone unconditionally without expecting something in return. Affection, lust and sense of longing are three (3) secondary emotions of love. Out of these arise attraction, passion, desire, infatuation, obsession, and arousal. Also consideration, openness, care, adoration, fondness, awe, friendship, devotion, kindness, warmth, sentimentality, sense of sharing, being humble and understanding.


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