Friday 4 January 2013


Theres no specific defination of life. Its just that every individual defines life in his own unique way.
Relation between life and emotion is very deep to understand. Life is nothing but a mixture of so many feelings and human emotions. Emotions which display not only the bright side but also the dark side of a person.
Emotions are also categorized into two different types as -Positive Emotions and Negative Emotions.
Afterall why are emotions so important part of our life???
What is the need of emotions in our life??
Why people tend to say that 'you should have emotions' and at times differ that 'its not good to be too much emotional'.
How does emotions actually impact our life??
There so many colours of emotions and am gonna discuss about a few of them in my blog.

Small Poetry

I would like to start with a small poem...  Hope u will like it

आज बरसो बाद कलम उठाने का जी करता है,कुछ लकीरों के अक्षर से पन्नोको सजानेका जी करता है,कुछ दिल मैं उभरती आशाओं को पंख लगाने का अब जी करता है,कुछ ताज़ी खुशबुओं को इन् हवाओं मैं फ़ैलाने का  जी करता है,कुछ भूली बिसरी कल्पनाओं को छांटने का जी करता है,आज फिर  बरसो बाद कलम उठाने का जी करता है।

किसी अजब दीवनगी मे  खुदको भुलाने का जी करता है,फिरसे कुछ काँटों  को फूल मैं बदलने का जी करता है,कुछ धुंधली निशानियों से एक नयी तस्वीर बनाने का जी करता है,कुछ अपने दर्द को स्याही से जोधने का अब जी करता है,आज फिर  बरसो बाद कलम उठाने का जी करता है,


Hello friends this is the first time am writing on a blog. 2013 has begun and so my blog too is on active mode to entertain you. My new year theme is life and emotions. And i will try to make this theme as interesting as possible with not only boring you with written stuffs but also some thrilling snaps, videos etc.